Shireishi Production

IGDX 2023

Indonesia Game Developer Exhange (IGDX) 2023 which was held at Auditorium Algoritma FILKOM Brawijaya University Malang on July 22, 2023.


Sharing knowledge and experience by Ms. Riris and Mr. Adib as resource persons hosted by Mr. Ibnu.

Our Mini Booth

We also provide a booth outside the seminar venue, so that visitors who come to the seminar can also try our games.


In addition to gaining knowledge from seniors, we also get some merchandise from the IGDX event to remember.

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Sun,23 Jul 2023
Exhibition Event

Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX) is an annual event organized by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in collaboration with the Indonesian Game Association (AGI) to improve the capabilities and quality of Indonesian game developers.

Indonesia’s gaming industry ecosystem is growing at a rapid rate. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Information launched an initiative to accelerate the growth rate by providing facilitation for game industry players. One of the efforts made is by organizing the Indonesia Game Developer eXchange (IGDX) program which has been implemented since 2019.

One of the efforts made in the successful implementation of the IGDX program is by promoting publications to attract public interest, especially game developers in Indonesia, to participate in this activity.

We were there besides participating in the seminar, we also opened a booth for those who wanted to try our game.

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